Thursday, March 6, 2014

Child Labor

1.Children under Child Labor in America

Most of the children who are in child labor do so in order to support their families or to improve their lives.  Poverty drives children to look for work, if they don't they will likely starve.  Its very unlikely that they want to be working but they have no choice.  The labor these children undergo include joining militia, mining, farming, and manufacturing goods.  These jobs are more often than not dangerous and require incredible physical effort for just children to withstand.  These children should not need to live through these atrocities day by day.

Child labor is a terrible atrocity that is plaguing many nation, such as North Korea, Somalia, and Ethiopia.  In North Korea children who commit public offense are sent to work camps and punished with hard labor in terrible conditions.  In Somalia about 40% of children, who are 15 years old or younger, are sent to work as bodyguards or sex slaves for the militia.  Ethiopia is one of the worst countries where child labor exists.  About 60 percent of the children in Ethiopia are undergoing labor for about $1 a month.  The Children in the picture are Korean kids being forced to excavate.
2.Child pleading for help against child labor

We cannot just sit back and watch these kids go through back-breaking and dangerous work we must step up and fight for them.  Kids of our nation can band together and create organizations that will be able to support these children.  Such as raising money so they wouldn't need to work in such deplorable conditions in order to eat, or help spread the word of these injustices so the government can step in and put an end to these apauling actions against suffering children.

1. Google Images- Child Labor
2. Google Images- No more Child Labor